
Каратист Кенджи Мидори называет войну национальным кризисом...

Каратист Кенджи Мидори называет войну национальным кризисом...

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Каратист Кенджи Мидори называет войну национальным кризисом...
  • Дата основания

    13 апреля 2022


The response in relation to the recent developments surrounding the situation in Ukraine



On April 13, WKO made a decision to contribute donation money, as financial assistance towards the WKO Ukraine Branch members, who are facing a national crisis in Ukraine and the neighboring countries.

In addition, as a measure based on the recent developments surrounding the situation in Ukraine, we would like to report that Russian and Belarusian competitors will be temporarily suspended from participating in international tournaments organized by WKO, especially the 7th World Karate Championship in Weight Categories scheduled to be held this September in Poland.

We condemn all forms of hostile acts that harm and threaten the peaceful lives and freedom of people. We are also against all acts of war, and at the same time, we pray for the return of peaceful days as quickly as possible.

Kenji Midori

WKO President


Оказывается, по мнению Кенджи Мидори, в Украине просто национальный кризис... а не вторжение армии рф в Украину с актами геноцида украинского народа. Это навсегда останется в истории, позор Вам !
