Химик, Айкидока
Химик, Айкидока
Chemistry at National Technical University of Ukraine «Kyiv Polytechnic Institute» (NTUU «KPI»)
Accord Physicians-Urology
April 2021 - Present
Brooklyn, New York
Health & Wealth Inc.
2018 - 2019
New York, New York
Create a computerized DB system to keep track of items. Perform functional, regression, and GUI testing. Repot defects. Document detailed test results, Troubleshoot program
Former QA Engineer at КЛ "Феофания" ДУС
2012 - 2018
Kyiv, Ukraine
Carried out Quality Control of radiopharmaceuticals using Gas and Liquid Chromatography Developed the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and test cases according to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
Former Research Fellow at IGIC NAS Ukraine
February 1992
Отец - актер театра и кино Сарычев Юрий Петрович
Мать - актриса Людмила Игнатенко
Бабушка по папиной линии - Сарычева Валентина Мефодиевна (1915 -1972)