
Breaking posture

Breaking posture


Breaking posture: Sometimes when you attempt a submission hold on an opponent they feel so strong that you get the feeling you have no chance of success. If they are working from a strong posture you may well be correct. HUMAN STRENGTH IS LARGELY DETERMINED BY POSTURE. Think about something basic like a squat. If your posture is good, you’ll be able to put up some impressive weight, if it’s bad no amount of innate strength will help and your poundages will be unimpressive. Jiu jitsu is the same. If your opponent is in good posture, he’ll feel impressively strong when you go to attack. If you can break his posture and put his body into unnatural or forced contortions , he’ll feel weak and vulnerable to your attacks. Here I demonstrate taking an opponents head out of position when attacking a standard juji gatame arm bar out of closed guard. By misaligning the sound at the neck you make the usual stacking and postural defenses significantly more difficult. Next time you’re attacking submissions - attack his POSTURE at the same time and you’ll find success more often than before

author - John Danaher