
Building A New Locksmith Van | GSL Vlog & How-To

Building A New Locksmith Van | GSL Vlog & How-To


Guardian Safe & Lock's new locksmith van is a 2017 Nissan NV 2500. We started with a bare-bones vehicle, then turned this locksmith truck into a full-service vehicle through what you see in the video here.

The process of building a locksmith van can be complicated. The van must have a way to power the locksmith tools and equipment in the back area. There has to be shelving, a bench, and drawers to organize things as well as some kind of liner on the floor to catch small parts used by locksmith technicians from falling and going missing.


In addition, any locksmith vehicle needs all the hardware and stock the locksmith may need on day-to-day jobs and room for more. 

Follow along with Uriah and the guys as we build our new locksmith van and show you how to set up a locksmith vehicle!

Building A New Locksmith Van | GSL Vlog & How-To