
How to Think in English? A POWERFUL Strategy To Speak English FAST

How to Think in English? A POWERFUL Strategy To Speak English FAST


ATTENTION: This video was inspired by a CRAZY dream I had last night! 

👉🏻 In this English lesson, I want t show you that when you THINK in English, you speak MUCH FASTER!👈🏻

⚠️Get my Study Plan Cycle: https://teacherprix.com/ciclo-21

🎯 Thinking in English can be a great tool that will allow you to speak English more easily, quickly, and naturally. However, you need to learn how to think in English.

AND NO! This does NOT happen naturally to us, non-native speakers. We need to practice and with time and consistency, thinking in English will then happen easily to us.

And that's what I want to teach you in this English lesson. I will share 3 AWESOME tips to help you get started,


I will tell you about A CRAZY dream I had last night that inspired me to make this video

This English lesson is aimed at pre-intermediate and intermediate students who are stuck and need to unlock their English speaking and listening.

▶️This is a short and efficient English lesson that will help you speak English more clearly and correctly.



How to Think in English? A POWERFUL Strategy To Speak English FAST