
May 8 is an extremely important day for Ukraine

May 8 is an extremely important day for Ukraine

Basic Information
May 8 is an extremely important day for Ukraine
  • Foundation date

    08 May 2022


May 8 is an extremely important day for Ukraine!

This year we celebrate the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation in the conditions of war. When the whole world chanted "Never again" for years, the Russians mocked "we can repeat". They repeated .. forever put the mark of the Nazis and showed the world the strength of the Ukrainian people! 🌻

Our ancestors defeated fascism. We will defeat Russian fascism! Freedom in our DNA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

It turned out so symbolically that today is Mother's Day in Ukraine. Day of incredible women who give birth to heroes. Thank you for your strength, patience and boundless love. The Ukrainian nation is powerful thanks to you 
