
Phrases to talk about ‘Driving’ in English - Free English Lesson

Phrases to talk about ‘Driving’ in English - Free English Lesson


Phrases to talk about ‘Driving’ in English - Free English Lesson

This lesson takes you through some essential phrases that you can use when you talk about driving.


1. When you 'indicate' you turn on a flashing light to show that you are going to turn right or left

2. 'Pull out' means to take the car out of a side road or parking space and start driving.

3. 'Drive off' means to drive the car away from a person or place.

4. 'Pull over' means to stop the car at the side of the road.


5. 'Speed up' means to make the car go faster. (increase the speed)

6. 'Slow down' means to make the car go slower (reduce the speed)

7. 'Step on it' means to put your foot hard on the accelerator and make the car go very fast.

8. 'Slam the brakes on' means to put your foot hard on the brakes and make the car slow down a lot or stop.

9. 'Have a near miss' is when you nearly have an accident with another vehicle.

10. When you 'get pulled over' the police stop your car - because you did something wrong.

Phrases to talk about ‘Driving’ in English - Free English Lesson