
Something from Nothing. Alexander Lyadov

Something from Nothing. Alexander Lyadov

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In 2008, I became a co-founder of a $50 million investment fund. But not because it was my ultimate goal. An opportunity found me at the right time. I simply followed my curiosity. That's it.

But there was a period of emptiness, confusion, and boredom before that. It began after leaving my previous job at a company that managed wealthy people's assets. I couldn't figure out what I truly wanted.


I remember spending entire days sitting on the windowsill, watching the bustling street below. Everyone was in a rush, chasing something, striving for their goals. But inside me was an empty Mongolian steppe.

The only thing that occasionally piqued my interest was startups. I was fascinated by the phenomenon of creating something incredibly valuable from nothing. I started studying it.

Without a plan, I created an Excel catalog. I entered information about interesting technology projects and labeled them. The term "venture capital" began to pop up more and more. I had studied it in business school, but now I suddenly felt the urge to explore it further.

I reached out to venture capitalists on my LinkedIn network and asked them about how the VC industry worked. When they asked me, "Why do you want to know?" I honestly replied, "I don't quite understand yet, but I'm curious to find out." Surprisingly, many were willing to help.

When a successful entrepreneur suggested to me that I set up an investment fund, he took me by surprise. I even considered declining. With no hidden agenda, I simply shared my thoughts on the prospects of venture investing, and he said, "Do it!"

So began a new chapter in my career, a whirlwind seven years.

From this and other stories, I draw a conclusion about the optimal path to growth:

Follow your curiosity, even if it's not clear where it's leading you.

Alexander Lyadov