
The more off center you get - the better it gets. John Danaher

The more off center you get - the better it gets. John Danaher

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The more off center you get - the better it gets. John Danaher
  • Foundation date

    03 August 2022


The more off center you get - the better it gets: In most cases in jiu jitsu nothing good happens when you’re directly in front of opponents. The idea is almost always to get angle that enables you to get the advantage of flank. Going in through the front door is hard and risky work - it’s much better to slip in the side door whenever possible. Make a conscious effort in every engagement to work to an angle prior to launching the main attack and you’ll suddenly find that moves that never worked for you suddenly start working and opponents you could never score on, suddenly you’re putting them under pressure. In combat sports, angle is everything and the more the better. Make it a habit you’ll soon make a habit of winning

John Danaher
