
St Justin the Martyr Orthodox Church Cemetery, Mandarin, Jacksonville, Fl

St Justin the Martyr Orthodox Church Cemetery, Mandarin, Jacksonville, Fl

Basic Information
St Justin the Martyr Orthodox Church Cemetery, Mandarin, Jacksonville, Fl
  • Foundation date

    01 November 1987


Why an Orthodox Cemetery?
Traditionally Orthodox cemeteries are located adjacent to an Orthodox

Church Temple. Like the Temple, the cemetery is consecrated, sanctified, and made holy. An Orthodox cemetery is an extension of the Church Temple. St. Justin Martyr Cemetery is sacred ground that lies in the shadow of St Justin Martyr Church.


It is a place where all those who have fallen asleep lie together in hope, like those worshiping in the Church, facing east awaiting the Second Coming of our Lord.

During the Liturgy of Preparation our parish clergy pray for those who are lying asleep in the cemetery. Annually, on the Sunday after Pascha, the parish gathers in the cemetery to celebrate a Memorial service (Panakhida) for all the departed.

Via prayer the parish cemetery is an extension of the local worshiping community. It is a holy place, a place of peace and rest, where we await our Lord’s glorious return and our resurrection.


St. Justin Martyr Orthodox Cemetery is a 2000-plot, perpetually maintained, consecrated Orthodox Cemetery on the beautiful ten acre grounds of St Justin Martyr Orthodox Church in Jacksonville, FL.

St Justin Martyr Orthodox Cemetery is located in a natural rural setting behind the sanctu- ary of St Justin Martyr Church. As a consecrated cemetery it is a holy place, a place of peace and rest, where we await our Lord’s

glorious return and our own resurrection. The cemetery
is open 365 days per year, sunrise to sunset and is super- vised by Orthodox Clergy. Services are available by contacting the Church office.

Phone: (904) 880-7671

Email: sjmcemetery@gmail.com

Rules and regulations

St. Justin Martyr Orthodox Church Cemetery General Rules and Regulations